D E Keeble Ltd
Suffolk Straw Ltd
Agricultural Contractors
Office: 01728 688688
Derek: 07889642096
Email : Linda@DEKeeble.co.uk
Used Vegetable Straw removal and Recycling
This service is designed to complement our Vegetable covering service
We specially built this machine to remove straw from polythene in front of carrot harvesters, elevate it 7 Metres clear of trailers chopping and spreading
or row and dry to be re-baled post carrot harvest.
Moving straw clear of trailers making harvesting easier and tidier
- Clearing ground to ease cultivation.
- Better establishment of following crop.
- Load straw straight into trailers for secondary use
- Re-bale straw, ideal for Burning in power Stations or heater burners and also recovering other crops
Folded up ready for the road

Removing poly is made easy once straw has gone

Elevating straw clear for rebaling

Baling up dried straw. These are destined for burning
The Blaxhall Dragon straw remover 2013
Watch the straw Dragon lift straw off polythene from over wintered carrots. Elevate it 7 metres clear of crop then chopping, spreading and also rowing .Hesston re baling dried out straw and loading ...